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[UPDATE – AUGUST 12, 2014]

Thank you all for your active participation this year. Here is a quick update on the STC India Annual Conference 2014 paper proposals process and schedule:



 12/08/2014We have received over 150+ paper proposals. Call for paper proposals is CLOSED now.
Please do not submit any more entries nor request us to accept it.
 14/08/2014 Judges for each track teams are provided proposals for review.
 16/08/2014 to 31/08/2014Track teams work to identify the top 6-8 proposals, rank all sessions, and provide feedback to each others about why sessions were accepted or rejected. A second list is also identified should there be any drops of speakers from the first list of paper proposals.
 01/09/2014 to 06/09/2014Conference team touch bases with the short listed speakers and gets confirmation from them on both their conference availability and topics.
 08/09/2014Announcement of both the Conference agenda and conference registrations is made public on the STC India mailing lists and its related networks.


We are pleased to announce the call for paper proposals for the 16th STC India Annual Conference slated for December 5 & 6, 2014 at Bengaluru. 
The work you are doing and have done is an important element in the community’s education process, and we invite you to share it with conference attendees.

Important Notes!

  1. The theme of this year’s conference is “Customer Focussed Documentation“. All the sessions are expected to discuss ideas, thoughts, trends, and techniques that will equip communicators in one way or the other to get ready for the changing face of technical communication. All proposals must be relevant to technical communication.
  2. Visit the conference page <http://stc-india.org/conferences/2014/call-proposal> and directly upload your paper proposal/s. Proposals are accepted in PDF and .doc formats only.
  3. You are invited to submit one or more session proposals either individually or as a team for only the main conference days. A session can have a maximum of two presenters.
  4. Conference speaker will be exempted from paying the conference registration fee. However, in a paper proposal that has two speakers, only one speaker will be exempted from paying the registration fee. Please decide it between yourselves who it will be and let us know, once your proposal is selected.
  5. The paper proposals selected by a team of esteemed judges will be final. Further queries related to the selection of the paper proposals will not be entertained.
  6. Once the paper proposals are selected, the program committee will get in touch with the respective speaker/s and take the discussion forward.
  7. We are yet to open the registrations for the conference, but if you have a query on registration, you are most welcome to drop an email to the treasurer Naveen D Cruz at treasurer@stc-india.org

      The last date for receiving paper proposals is Thursday, July 31, 2014.

Last Date to submit proposals is extended to August 10, 2014.

We thank you for your interest and all the sponsors for coming forward to participate in this year’s STC India Annual Conference.

Looking forward to your paper proposals and feel free to to share this message in your network.

Chance for the best Paper Proposal submitted to win ONE PERPETUAL LICENSE OF Adobe TCS 5

For any conference related information including sponsorship, please mail to:
Rajdeep Gupta (conference2014@stc-india.org)
Conference Program and Sponsorship Manager-2014


See Also: STC India Annual Conference Competition – 2014