So, here is the list of final nominations that were received for STC India chapter elections – 2015.
The new Admin Council – 2015 will be formally announced during the AGM – to be held at the annual conference on Dec 05, 2014.

 — President —

 Name – Saravanan ManoharanNominated by Aarthi KIrubarahan

Brief Profile
Saravanan Manoharan is a technical communication specialist with over twelve years of experience in the technical writing and content management field. With a strong academic background in Engineering (from NIT, Warangal) & Management (from IIM, Lucknow), and a certificate program in Technical Communications, Saravanan has been actively involved as a technical communicator with leading organizations, such as :Origin Learning, Corent, Verizon, MTree and Aricent. He has been leading teams in the design and delivery of a range of technical communication material – including e-learning, business, and marketing communication material.
Saravanan is keenly involved in the promotion of technical communications in India through his association as the Vice President of the India chapter of the Society for Technical Communication (STC) for the year 2013-2014. An engaging communicator eager to share and build his skills in the technical communications field, Saravanan supports STC India in all its niche initiatives.

— Vice President —

Name: Rajdeep GuptaNominated by Saravanan Manoharan

Brief Profile
Rajdeep Gupta is a high energy top-performing Geo sales & business development professional, with proven ability to drive top line growth and 8 + years of overall industry experience in the areas of technical writing, products and services sales and so on. He is the Managing Director of Blue Dots Consultancy Services and has served STC India Chapter as a former STC India President, Vice President, Secretary and the Conference Program Manager for this year. He was also awarded STC DCSA in 2013.

— Treasurer —

Name: Naveen D’cruzNominated by Saravanan

Brief Profile
Naveen Dcruz is a technical writer with 15 years. He has worked in banking, gaming and financial domains prior to the telecom domain – where he is working for the past 10 years.
He is an active STC India Chapter member (from the past 8 years) capping roles from Bangalore City Rep, Vice-President, President, Immediate Past President and currently the Treasurer. He is a hard worker, contributor and enabler with continuous successful conferences and learning sessions delivered year-on-year.

— Secretary —

Name: Aarthi KirubaharanNominated by Saravanan

Brief Profile
Aarthi Kirubaharan works as a Senior Technical Writer with Ericcson and has around eight years of experience in the field of technical writing. She is into core technical writing and have been creating user documents all these years. She is currently the Chennai City Representative for the year 2013-2014. She was the Chennai City Rep for 2012-2013 also. She is very active in organizing the Monthly Learning Sessions and Regional Conferences in Chennai. 

Please let us know if you have any queries/comments.

Ramesh Aiyyangar
Election Officer – 2014
STC India Chapter
Email:  aiyyangar@gmail.com
Cell Phone: +91 9730172644



Hereby we announce the Annual STC India Chapter Admin Council Elections for the year 2015. The newly elected council will take over charge from the current Admin Council during the Annual Business Meeting on December 5, 2014 evening (to be held at the Annual Conference 2014 venue at Bangalore.)

We request you to send nominations for the positions mentioned below.

1. Chapter President: Oversees the India Chapter STC operations: calls and presides at meetings of the India Chapter STC and the Admin Council. The President appoints heads of chapter committees, subject to Admin Council approval.

2. Chapter Vice President: Assumes the duties of the President in the absence, or incapacity, of the President and performs such other duties, as the President or the Admin Council may assign.

3. Secretary: Keeps minutes of all the India Chapter STC Admin Council meetings and distributes them in accordance with set procedures, conducts official correspondence, signs official documents as required, and performs such other duties as the President or the Admin Council may assign.

4. Treasurer: Supervises India Chapter STC’s fiscal affairs by:

  • preparing an annual fiscal year budget for approval by the Admin Council;
  • getting the India Chapter STC’s books audited annually by a chartered accountant;
  • authorizing disbursements;
  • publishing an annual report of India Chapter STC’s financial status.

Due to the nature of this role, it is advisable to nominate individuals who have some financial or operational experience.

Kindly note:

* Nominations should be sent before October 31, 2014, by email.
* Only members of the STC India Chapter can submit their nominations.
* Members of the STC India Chapter can nominate other members also; with the consent of the nominee. Copy of such mails should be marked to the nominee and the nominee should then send a formal concurrence mail before October 31, 2014.
* The nominations should be sent directly to the undersigned (Election Officer).
* The nomination should include Name, Brief Profile, Contact Details (Name, Address, Phone, Email), and STC Membership number.
* All nomination mails will be acknowledged by the Election Officer. If you do not receive an acknowledgement mail within 3 business days, please write to the Election Officer again or please call to confirm the status of the application.
* A formal announcement of all the valid nominations received will be made by the Election Officer.
* Elections will be held only for those positions which have more than one nominations.
*  All positions with only one nominee will be elected un-opposed.
* The elections will be held online and the results will be announced during the Annual Business Meeting.

For further details, please contact:

Ramesh Aiyyangar
Election Officer – 2014
STC India Chapter
Email:  aiyyangar@gmail.com
Cell Phone: +91 9730172644