The STC India Chapter is pleased to organize a webinar on “Introduction to API Technical Writing” by Sarah Maddox of Google on March 18.
Time: 1-2 p.m. IST (Friday)
Note that the speaker is based in Sydney, Australia, and we appreciate if participants could be on time for the webinar. You must receive a confirmation email from Rajdeep to attend the webinar. Webinar link is shared only with the registered participants.
Here is the registration link for the webinar.
STC India acknowledges Adobe for sponsoring the STC India Chapter webinars. Thank you!
You can view our STC India YouTube channel for previous webinars and conference related presentations. These videos are available to all for FREE.
Title: Introduction to API Technical Writing
Summary: APIs are a hot topic in our field, and the demand is growing for technical writers with the skills to document them. API stands for Application Programming Interface. Developers use APIs to make apps that communicate with other apps and software/hardware components. API technical writers create documentation that helps developers hook their apps up to someone else’s API.
Have you ever wondered what API technical writers do and how they go about it? Perhaps you’d like to move into developer-focused documentation yourself and need some tips on getting started. Join Sarah Maddox as she discusses what an API is and demonstrates some easy-to-use APIs that you can play with later yourself. Examine examples of API documentation and gather some ideas on getting started in this field. It’s an exciting and rewarding area of technical communication!
Bio: Sarah Maddox is a technical writer at Google, focusing on Google Maps APIs. With 15 years’ experience in technical communication and 10 as a software developer, she’s a specialist in making words and code play nicely together. She has a strong belief that chocolate solves many a tech comm problem.
Hope to see you making most out of this webinar.
Bangalore City Rep