by Vimal | Sep 12, 2018 | Annual Conference
Heralding the 20th Annual Conference of the STC India Chapter is the Annual Pre-Conference. This is a call for papers for the Pre-Conference. . More info here… (select the Pre-conference tab) . Regards, Conference Organizing Committee [Email] STC India 20th...
by Vimal | Aug 3, 2018 | Annual Conference
With the STC India Chapter’s 20th Annual Conference just a few months away, it is time to get the ball rolling! . Theme: Touching Lives . Often, in our obsession with tools, development models, authoring techniques and such, we tend to forget that the ultimate...
by Vimal | Dec 27, 2016 | Annual Conference
The presentations slides are uploaded on the Conference website. Click the button to go to the download page. Presentation Slides ...
by Vimal | Dec 22, 2016 | Annual Conference, News, Resources, Useful Links
Please enter your e-mail address below and we’ll send you the report in some time. [email-download download_id=”7374″ contact_form_id=”7361″] Note: Please check for an email from <>. In case you don’t...
by Vimal | Dec 18, 2016 | Annual Conference, News, STC India
Thank you!! Thank you so much for being part of STC India 18th Annual Conference 2016 at Hyderabad and making it a big success! Now, we need a few more minutes of your time! Feedback Please complete the Feedback form to let us know how did you like this year’s... by Vimal | Dec 17, 2016 | Annual Conference, STC India
Hint: You will receive the link to Conference Photos in the email id entered, once you complete the feedback form! [contact-form-7 id=”7387″ title=”STC India 18th Annual Conference – Feedback”]